a young female steel erector marks off steel where she is about to drill

4 Steps to protecting your corporate image with Career Talks & Placement Programs

In the ever-changing world of employment, organisational transformation is a given, and the effects of globalisation and digitisation drive companies’ need to reorganise, hire and develop employees at all levels.

Also, in today’s digital world of social media and websites such as Glassdoor that show employee reviews, employers should not forget that employees are just as important as customers.

1. Creating a career management culture to retain and develop the right people

Research shows that supporting employees’ professional careers is the key to achieving greater engagement, retention and productivity growth. In order to ensure that employees remain enthusiastic and committed to their goals, managers must commit to supporting career management. This, of course, assumes that managers have received the necessary training to conduct career discussions with their team. But in all cases, through specially designed programmes such as the Right Management “Manager as Career Coach”, we can ensure that managers are trained and empowered to conduct career discussions with their staff in a different and effective way, creating an environment of open communication and professional development.

2. Encourage managers to have real discussions about careers

A successful career management programme starts with open and honest career discussions between the manager and his team members. This ensures that an employee’s personal ambitions and corporate goals are aligned. Responsibility is not just for managers: 89% of employees believe that they are or should be responsible for their careers. Ultimately, companies benefit when employees are ready to face new challenges and opportunities.

3. Keeping the right people in the right jobs

In today’s volatile economic environment – an environment where uncertainty is prevalent – many companies are facing the need to restructure in order to adapt to changing economic conditions and respond to new market realities. Effective restructuring can be achieved by putting the right people in the right positions and upgrading the skills of the workforce to support the business plan.

4. Building up trust with staff

The way in which you restructure your company to be ready for future growth is directly influenced by the way you treat employees who will no longer be working for the company. By providing outplacement services to employees who have left your company, you are supporting those in transition with professional help identifying and preparing them for the next step in their career. Worldwide, 85% of companies offering outplacement programs state that it was very important or extremely important to maintain positive relationships between existing and departing employees, while 82% said it was equally important to take measures to protect the company’s reputation in times of change and economic uncertainty.

By supporting employees at all stages of their careers and providing them with opportunities for growth both inside and outside the company and also by helping them retain the right skills and knowledge for future success, companies are able to provide a employees with experience during their career, protecting their corporate reputation and remaining an attractive positive employer.